Tagged: Narcissistic Rage

Narcissistic Injury and the attacks which follow

The DSM 5 manual defines Narcissistic Injury as: “vulnerability in self-esteem which makes narcissistic people very sensitive to ‘injury’ from criticism or defeat. Although they may not show it outwardly, criticism may haunt these individuals and may leave them feeling humiliated, degraded, hollow and empty. They react with disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack.”.

Click on this link to visit the Psychology Today website to read their article titled: “The Destructive Force of Narcissistic Injury“.

Video is courtesy of the DD Morris YouTube channel

Narcissistic Injury was first used by Sigmund Freud back in the 1920’s. A Narcissistic Injury occurs when the Narcissist’s importance is brought into question.

Click on this link to visit the WikiPedia page to read their post titled: “Narcissistic Rage and Narcissistic Injury“.

A Narcissistic Injury can also occur when a person does not accommodate a Narcissist’s insatiable need for constant Admiration and Praise.

Click on this link to visit the PsychCentral website to read their article titled: “Narcissistic Injuries: What They Are and How to Protect Yourself from Them“.